So, I decided to post some photographs I've been taking during my trips. I try to save every year to travel a bit all over Europe.Unfortunately I haven't visited too many places for now, but I'm sure I'll get there someday, since all I dedicate a big part of my love to my travelling habits:)
The reasons I like to travel.. It all starts before the trip. It all starts when I start designing and planning my trip, all the places I need to see, all the places I should stop by, the places for shopping and hopefully way too many surprises. It all happens when I'm still preparing everything, the clothes, the shoes, the proper bag, it's like a zen ritual all the people should experience at least once.
Then, the trip. The places I don't know yet but I will, the people you meet unexpectly, the places you always dreamed to visit (Like Palau de la musica catalana, Barcelona :)), the zillions of photographs you take...everything is magic. All the moments become eternal. The souvenirs, the tiny little details, the food you taste for the first time, the smells, the good and the bad, experienced for the first time you touch a place...
To be in touch with other cultures is a gift: To be able to talk to foreign people, experience different habits and living different routines, are the main reasons I love to travel, at the same time I try to keep every little moment in pixels, using my camera as a minion to all my trips.
I was a lucky kid, so I traveled a bit with my parents since my early days. When I was younger, my dad used to take us to such amazing trips like Egypt, Tunisia, Maldives, UK and France. I always loved the experience. Now I focused my time to get to know Europe better. (I hope this travelling circle will expand to south and central america, afria, asia.......;)) My main goal at the moment is to plan an inter-rail (and an intra-rail - all over Portugal).
But I have my addictions like everybody else! I will visit London for the 6th time next month with my baby. We will stop by a little town called Bath as well. I've been in love with London since I went there for the first time. And it's not because I would like to live there. I wouldn't, trust me, I'm more into intimate places. But I have there a lot of friends and it is always so funny to visit! So many stuff I don't get tired of...the parks, the squirrels, the SHOPPING...AND,and and :)
ANYWAY...I hope you enjoy my photographs as much as I do. Like I said way many times before, I am not trying to be a pro or anything like it. I just like to save moments and share them with other people, hopping someone will apreciate them as much as I do.
Ana x
Decidi fazer um post com as minhas fotografias de viagem. Todos os anos tento guardar dinheiro suficiente para viajar pela Europa - pelo menos uma vez por ano. Para já, ainda não tive oportunidade de visitar assim muitos países, mas tenho a certeza que lá chegarei, uma vez que viajar é um dos maiores prazeres da minha vida.
As razões que eu gosto de viajar são muitas. Tudo começa no antes: marcar a viagem, organizar os preparativos, preparar os pontos de maior interesse, o tipo de roupa adequada, o calçado mais adequado. Enfim, para alguns, esta é a fase mais stressante da viagem..Para mim é zen como uma aulinha de relaxamento :)
A viagem. Os lugares que desconheç pessoas que vou-me cruzando inesperadamente...os sítios que sempre sonhei em visitar (como o Palácio da Música Catalã em Barcelona, por exemplo), os milhares de fotografias..tudo é mágico. Todos os momentos se tornam eternos.
Palau de la Musica Catalana
Summer Travelling Look!
Denim Zara Shorts, H&M Motley Crue T-shirt
Summer Travelling Look!
Pink Acid Washed Bershka Shorts
Basic H&M black top
Converse All Star sneakers
My dear DocMartens, travelling companions.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Old Church
Amsterdam Zoo
the mall!
London, UK
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